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International Supporting Association for War Victims under registration number 18209, Germany – Cologne, 2008, is a non-governmental, independent, and non-political organization that provides material and spiritual support to the victims of war and society around the world in medical and legal fields. , Economic, cultural, and scientific research and promotion of socio-economic development of all groups covered by Isav regardless of gender, race, language, culture, religion, and nationality.
The goal of the organization is to provide material and spiritual support to war victims, war prisoners, war refugees, and those missing in war. This support and assistance should be carried out from the economic, cultural, educational, medical, technical, and scientific aspects and support the victims of the war until their damages and losses are resolved. we plan to demand damages from all the countries and governments that started the war and caused harm to people.
One of mankind’s oldest and most important dreams has been to achieve peace and international security in the political, economic, and cultural fields with all the nations of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for world peace and the well-being and health of humans, because our desire is justice, brotherhood, and the realization of human rights.

In the implementation of Article (3) of the organization’s constitution, the bylaws for the administration of the War Victims Support Fund to create job opportunities for them, which will be called the Financial Social and Economic Development Fund of war victims, and will be approved by the Honorable Director General of the organization.

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